Frequently Asked Questions
IMPORTANT : For all contracts for the purchase and sale of GERARD DAREL Products where delivery takes place in a country other than France, the merchant of record on the Site is GLOBAL-E France SAS.
Therefore for any issue regarding your order shipped outside of France, you will need the Global-e order number. To obtain it, please send an email to, specifying 'Global-e order number' in the subject line. In the body of the email, please provide the details of your Gerard Darel order (email and order number beginning with GDUE).
Warning: Order tracking for deliveries outside of France is only possible with the Global-e order number.
Can I add an item to my order?
Can I remove an item from my order?
Can my delivery address be changed?
Can I change my billing address?
Can you change the amount of my invoice?
If you still have questions regarding your order please contact us here